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Home Numerology - Live at Your Perfect Address

Hi my friend,

One of my favorite tools of transformation to play with is numerology.

Did you know that even our house has a specific energy frequency, because of its numerology? This can have a great effect on our happiness and well-being.

A home is meant to serve as a sanctuary for our body, mind and spirit. It's where we can fully express ourselves freely and creatively without any interruption.

If the home is not aligned with our energy and desired intentions, it can often feel like the opposite of a sanctuary.

Today, I am excited to share what each number represents in numerology for a home.

If you see that you prefer to change the number of your home, no worries because you can without having to move!

Here is how to calculate the numerology for your house or apartment:

First, write down the full number of your house or apartment (the number on your door or mailbox).

Next, add all of the numbers together to find the sum.
Reduce the sum to a single digit.

For example, if you live in a house that is at 1248 Miracle Street.
 Your house number is 1248.
 You then add: 1+2+4+8=15.
 Reduce 15 to a single digit: (1+5=6).
If you live in a house that is 1248 Miracle Street, you live in a 6 frequency house.

The street name has a minor influence, however you do not need to add your street name to find the exact frequency number of your home.

If you live in an apartment, the most important number is your apartment number, not your building number.
 Let’s say you live at 1248 Miracle Street, Apt #28. In that case, you calculate the numerology for your apartment number, which is 28.

You add the sum of the numbers 28 (2+8=1). Your apartment is a 1 frequency.

Letters have numeric value as well.

A, J, S = 1
B, K, T = 2
C, L, U = 3
D, M, V = 4
E, N, W = 5
F, O, X = 6
G, P, Y = 7
H, Q, Z = 8
I, R = 9

For example, if you lived in apartment 28C, you would take the numeric value of the letter C and add that to the apartment number.

For apartment 28C – add the sum of 28=1, plus the numeric value of C=3. 1+3=4. Apartment 28C is a 4 frequency.

Here is the wonderful part!

If for any reason you desire to change the frequency of your home, for example, you desire to create greater financial abundance in your life, you can easily change the vibration by putting another number inside of or near your front door of the home.

The number you place inside your door can be added to the original frequency number of the house.

For example, if you live in a 6 home and would prefer an 8 vibration, you can put a number 2 inside your door and it becomes an 8! Now you change your house frequency to an 8 home. It's important to also to get super clear of why you desire to change the frequency of the house, and to 'set your desired intention' for what you would like to experience more of as a result of this change.

I have been studying Feng Shui and Numerology for years, and have seen excellent results working with them. One example, several years ago in Los Angeles the owner of a new hotel had called me to clear the space (energetically) and to work my magic through Feng Shui and Numerology. Now, his hotel has become one of the top hotels in Los Angeles, and the main thing is that the guests feel happy, prosperous and comfortable!

Here are the numerology numbers:

1 - This is the perfect home if you are someone who desires to be highly motivated, ambitious, innovative, independent, and a leader. This home is better suited for someone who is single (probably not the best number if you are choosing to attract a partner,) or chooses to be more of a loner. The 1 is influenced by the Sun and Leo, meaning it is excellent for an independent person who is choosing to advance their career and sees themselves as an entrepreneur. 1 is associated with material success.

2 - This is the perfect home if you are someone who desires to create a cozy, loving, and heart-opening environment. This is a home that allows anyone who enters it to feel welcomed, loved, acknowledged and appreciated. The energy of a 2 home creates an environment of compassion and sensitivity. This creates a great space for those who tend to be more on the nostalgic and sentimental side, surrounding themselves with pictures of family, friends and nature that evoke beautiful memories for them. This is a great house to have people over for small gatherings, especially where lots of love is shared. It is a great place for couples who love spending lots of time together. It is specifically excellent for romantic partners, best friends, and young families. Since the 2 energy is also about creating balance and the intuition, this home is also great for empaths, healers, artists and writers. A 2 house is connected to the energies of the moon, sweet, sensitive and nurturing.

3 - If you are looking for fun, play and lots of laughter, this is the home you want to be in! A 3 home has a very positive, happy and high energy. This is definitely a social house, so it's a great place to have fun social gatherings. 3 is all about creativity, so a home with this frequency number would be excellent for artists, visionaries and those who desire to be inspired often. This is also a great home to create a new family. This is a great space to express feelings and out of the box concepts openly in a healthy way. This home is influenced by Jupiter, so if you love to live life to the fullest, enjoy being in a good mood often, and express yourself with lots of positivity, this is the house for you!

4 - This is the perfect home if you are someone who desires a grounded, earthy, stable and secure environment. This would be a great place for building and growing a stable family, business and finances. Slow and steady does it in this home. If you are someone who desires to invest in your well-being and in your goals, this is an excellent home to do it in. Organization, commitment, and responsibility are highly supported in this home. Influenced by Uranus, this is a wonderful space if you are not the biggest fan of change, but rather more inclined to take baby steps out of comfort zone.

5 - This is the perfect home if you are someone who loves constant change and to be the life of the party! A 5 home is constantly moving at a fast pace, so if you desire quiet time and stability, you probably won't find much of that here.5 is influenced by Mercury, and is the most active of all the numbers. This is a great place for having people over often. 5 is also the number of surprise, so if you thrive on the energy of excitement and adventure, this is your home! This home creates an optimal space for those who are rarely home, who love to travel, and are always inclined to try new things. If you want something different, and never have a dull moment, this would be a great home for you.

6 - This is the perfect home if you are someone who loves to surround themselves with beauty, nature, harmony, and family. Influenced by Venus, a 6 home is considered to bring lots of good fortune and luck into your life. If you ever have the opportunity to live in or visit a 6 home, you will notice the attention to detail through the plants, gardens, beautiful colors, comfortable furniture, artwork, and exquisite design this space has to offer. The home is often so beautiful that it feels like a sanctuary for anyone who enters it. People instantly feel welcomed when they walk into a 6 home because of the balanced energy it has. A 6 home is the most conducive for children and animals, because they will absolutely thrive here. Every type of personality will feel happy in a 6 home. This is truly a special home, and one that you probably may find yourself never wanting to leave.

7 - This is the perfect home if you are someone who lives all things spiritual. If you are a spiritual seeker, philosopher, writer, researcher, or into the metaphysical, you will be very happy here. A 7 home tends to be a a private space, and can promote being introvert and isolation. Influenced by the moon, this home awakens deep reflection and higher insight. If you love spending time alone, this is a great place to call home. This is also a great space that promotes physical, emotional and mental healing and rejuvenation. It has more of a 'retreat in the mountains' vibe to it. If you would like to create even more peace here, add some kind of water element like a fountain, if you don’t already live near a body of water. If you desire to live in a home that promotes quantum expansion in your consciousness, this is the place for you. Just make sure to not isolate yourself too much from the world.

8 - This is the perfect home if you are someone who is an entrepreneur or are career driven in any way, and desire to create lots of material gain. Influenced by Saturn, 8 is a number of prosperity and abundance. Any financial endeavor will be promoted here. If you are running your business from your home, it's likely to be quite successful! If you desire to expand your presence in the world, where you are able to grow your brand, financial wealth, and footprint, this is a great home for you! 8 is also a number of passion, so it will be quite easy to feel motivated and inspired. Since 8 is a number highly connected to material things, be mindful not to focus too much on your career that you forget to spend time with your loved ones.

9 - This is the perfect home if you are a humanitarian. 9 is the number of universal love, so compassion and full acceptance of all is promoted here. Everyone is welcome in a 9 home! You'll probably notice lots of people calling or coming over to receive your support and advice. There's a lot of love in your home, so people will find themselves quite drawn to it. Peace and sisterhood/brotherhood is the energy of this house, so you may find yourself also traveling on behalf of connecting with and helping humanity even more. Influenced by Mars, This is a creative house, so make sure to express yourself openly without keeping things bottled up inside. 9 is a starry-eyed frequency, and can create some challenges if you are needing to make more money or feel more inspired to take action. Be mindful not to focus on the past too much.. Ultimately, the humanitarian is learning how to love themselves through the love they have for others, so once this is achieved this will be the perfect home for you.

May this information support you in creating the most extraordinary living environment for yourself where you heal, prosper and thrive!



My First Healing Session Experience

The first time I received a healing session from a healing practitioner, I was 18 years old. I remember being starry eyed and excited at the potential expansion that would take place.

However, that first experience did not go so well.

Thank goodness I had done enough inner work on myself to notice what was happening at the time.

The session began with the healing practitioner letting me know all of the things they 'sensed' and thought were 'wrong' with me. At this point, the only exchange we had was a "hello" and "I'm looking forward to receiving your support."

I knew I was in for a ride, and decided to stay to see what would unfold.

Then, the healing practitioner decided to upgrade a 'psychic reading' into our healing session, because they felt it was necessary. During this psychic reading, they shared quite a few fear-based timelines they saw for me. Again, thank goodness I knew better than to internalize these stories and believe them.

Finally, somehow the session ended up becoming about the healing practitioner needing and receiving support from me by having me offer them a listening ear and guidance (when they asked.)

What I learned from this first healing experience is that the most important thing in life is to know who we truly are, and come from a place of knowing that we are not or never have been broken.

The mind may try to create a story that chooses to identify with the belief that we are anything less than whole of beliefs, but this is just a story, it's not who we really are.

I also learned that whoever I had the honor of working with and supporting through my healing and mentoring sessions, that I would only work with them from a place of awareness that they are whole, eternal and powerful beings of love simply desiring their mind to re-member and feel into these qualities of themselves.

I learned that timelines can change at anytime we decide for them to, or decide to choose something different. I learned that we are the creator of our life, not anyone else.

I also promised myself that I would only do healing work, if I was able to come from a place of helping every client feel more inspired, expanded and connected to their core selves during every session.

I learned how to forgive, because I understood that sometimes people are on autopilot and in survival mode, and they just don't know any better.

Today marks the 15 year anniversary of that first session that I received.

The session gave me the desire to create something different, and ignited my inner flame to make sure others would not have to experience anything less than pristine and unconditional support during their healing and expansion process, at least under my watch.

Happy Anniversary dear 18 year old self. You did a great job that day not taking on any energies that were not yours, and I am so happy you chose your current life path to be one of service to humanity, rather than go into judgment and fear by not being open to receiving healing support again after that first not so great experience.

I have since connected with so many extraordinary and powerful healers who mirrored what I felt to be alignment with how to approach healing work.

For all of this, and for so much more, I am grateful.


Judgment and Discernment. 

At the core of every judgment we make about someone else, is a judgement we are making about ourselves.

A judgement is simply the mind's way of choosing to identify with primal/victim patterns of separation and limitation in order to keep itself safe, small and protected. It is 100% a mental construct, and has served a purpose of keeping the mind safe the best way it knows how.

A discernment transcends judgments, and opens one up to eternal freedom.

Discernment operates from a space of neutrality without the need to label something good or bad, right or wrong. It comes from a place of feeling (the heart) and provides us with feedback as to decide what we do or do not desire to experience more of.

Discernment reminds us that just because something may or may not feel in alignment for us, does not mean that it has to be the exact same way for everyone. It just is.

Judgement is a 'doing' and discernment is state of 'being.'

Humanity now has the opportunity to enter a state of discerning their way through life as result of the continued elevation and expansion of the collective consciousness.

Are you willing?


Solstice Doorway

Happy Solstice my beautiful friend!

Within the next 24 hours, we will move through a powerful energetic doorway known as the Solstice.

A Solstice represents a time of great completion and new beginnings. Whatever we are ready to resolve and let go of, this is the time to do it so that we are ready to enter the next phase of our journey feeling refreshed and renewed.

This Solstice is also anchoring large amounts of light from the Sun into our planet, which will create another quantum leap forward in our personal consciousness, and in the collective.

What are you ready to step into? What are you willing to leave behind so that you can create more room for your desired reality? This is time the time to ask these types of questions, and make the necessary adjustments to move ourselves forward into greater love.

A Solstice also has the ability to bring into fruition our deepest & most authentic desires for ourselves & for the world around us. One of the reasons is because millions of people around the world are using this special opening to create a Cosmic Unified Love Field that you can instantly connect with through desired willingness, intent, prayer, or meditation.

If you'd like to connect with this Love Field, just take a few moments today and tomorrow, close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and simply affirm to yourself that you are choosing to love yourself, others, and the world around you. Then, visualize a beautiful blanket of emerald green light cover the entire planet gently. This will activate greater peace, love and joy within you. It will also bring you into a state of grace which opens you up to manifesting your desires into reality.

Are you enjoying these updates? If so, please share them so that those you love will also have the opportunity to feel supported.

With love,

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Energy Update: 11:11 Doorway

Hi my friend, We are moving through a super high vibrational energy vortex in the next 24 hours known as the 11:11 doorway.

On November 11th, which is also known as 11:11, a surge of pure Universal Light will be planted into the heart and mind of every being on our planet. This Light will turn all dense thoughts, actions and deeds into higher thoughts, actions and deeds which will help usher in a much more heart-centered reality.

The Divine Mother aspect of every woman, man, and child is nurturing the part of ourselves that operates in survival and fear.

The Divine Mother does not judge, It only loves unconditionally. The mind will try to resist this love, simply because it has become more comfortable believing it has been separate from it this whole time, even though on a Soul level that was never truly the case.

In addition, the miraculous energies of the 11:11 are always magnified because millions of spiritually conscious/mindful beings around the world are simultaneously holding the space that peace, love and unity become the default settings of our collective reality.

The day before and after the 11:11 can often feel a bit more intense, so it's important to be gentle with our body, mind and emotions as it may feel like they are bit all over the place at times.

The consciousness of humanity will experience another quantum leap forward during the November 11th energy doorway. If you are energetically sensitive, you will most likely feel lots of movement in your solar plex, heart, throat, third eye, crown chakras, and spine.

Please make sure you are well hydrated, taking time to rest, and are meditating in some capacity at least 5-10 minutes during the next few days.

If you know anyone who may benefit from reading this update, please pass it on.

With love,

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