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A Divine Clarion Call

August 2014

My friend,

It’s an honor to connect with you in this way today.

Let’s open up our dialogue in a special way for this month’s forecast.

I invite you to close your eyes for a moment and focus on your sacred breath.

As you move into a state of relaxed breathing, gently place your awareness on the area between and slightly above your eyebrows, also known as the third eye/inner eye area.

Feel into this space between your eyebrows for just a few seconds. Express gratitude to this area of your body. Then, gently navigate your awareness from this part of the body south until you settle into your heart space.

While there, ask your beautiful heart the following question: “In this present moment, what wisdom and guidance can you share that will allow me to be more open to receiving the infinite blessings the Universe/My Spirit has created for me?”

After asking this question, focus on what it would feel like if your heart was smiling, and immerse yourself in the stillness of the present moment.

You may instantly receive guidance from your heart, or it may take a bit of time. Once you receive the message you are meant to, express gratitude to your heart for sharing in this way with you.

If you were unable to receive any guidance, it’s completely OK. Take comfort in knowing that just the fact you were able to drop into your heart space for a few moments has opened you up to receiving Divine wisdom at the time when you are most ready to receive it.

Gently bring your awareness back to your breath. When you feel ready, open your eyes and get fully present in your five senses.

What are the textures, colors, shapes, sounds, fragrances, tastes and feelings occupying your physical space? Lovingly acknowledge them by again expressing your gratitude for these blessings in your life.

You, my friend, have just mindfully reconnected to your core essence, the sacred I AM, the Universal/Spirit Self.

This simple process is here to serve you any time you desire extra support in realigning with the sacred I AM/Universal/Spirit Self within you.

Over time (or perhaps instantly), the results of this process will anchor greater balance, peace and joy in your life, by alchemizing the lingering fear-based constructs set up in the past into new foundations flourishing in love.

Advancing from Fear to Love

We are in a unique transitional period right now, collectively. During times of great transition, the collective mind (as I’ve often mentioned in previous forecasts) goes into freak-out mode, because the ways of being it had grown so accustomed to can no longer function in its present reality.

The collective mind then tries to hold on for dear life, thinking that its identity will be lost if it does not fight back or resist the changes occurring.

We are seeing this resistance at its peak right now, which is clear confirmation that enormous breakthroughs are underway.

Of course, those on a mindful path have accustomed their minds to work harmoniously with their hearts, so that they can readily embrace change with more ease.

These are the beings who have chosen (sometimes unintentionally) to continue advancing the collective from fear to love.

These are the beings who serve as Divine Pillars of love. They are creating the foundation for an all-inclusive global family to emerge.

While experiencing this transitional period, it can be very easy to get caught up in the fear tactics the collective mind likes to engage in. Yes, even for those who have done their inner healing and have chosen to live mindfully.

If you find yourself getting upset or emotionally charged in any way, be gentle with yourself, and know that it’s OK to be human.

Give yourself permission to move through the emotions you are experiencing, and once they become calmer, and not as charged . . . saturate them with love and acceptance.

This will allow you to move forward with more ease, and return to your natural loving state.

Also, take comfort in knowing that there’s much good and magic in the world, even amidst the turbulence. These things may not currently be taking center stage in the collective dialogue, but in the near future, they will.

Powerful Surrogates

Each one of us is a powerful surrogate for humanity. Every individual situation we are seeing out in the world is directly linked to what each of us is experiencing within ourselves.

So when we see separation, war and fighting in the world, we have the power to remedy it all, by choosing to exemplify unity, love and peace within ourselves.

This is what Gandhi meant when he said, “Be the change . . .” When we worry less about aggressively trying to fix the world outside of us, and focus more on being proactive in taking care of the world within us, then the outside world will naturally heal.

This is not to be mistaken with ignoring all the challenges happening in the world. It’s important to acknowledge and be aware of what’s occurring.

However, instead of reacting to it all from a helpless victim point of view, we can use it as feedback to focus on what we’d like to see more of in the world. We can do so by being the first to embody the qualities we’d like to see more of.

Super-Charged Prayer Moves Mountains

One of the greatest gifts we can offer to humanity is the gift of prayer. Many people, especially those who have chosen a more mindful path, have shied away from prayer, because they immediately associate it with organized religion.

The reason being, most prayer taught in organized religion has the energy of fear attached to it. It usually suggests that we must pray to something outside of ourselves in order to receive a desired result.

That kind of disempowered prayer is actually counter-productive, because it continues to affirm that we are broken or lacking in some way.

Those who understand the Law of Attraction know that when we project an energy of need, we push away the very thing we desire instead of bringing it into our experience, because we are not acknowledging that it’s even a possibility for us.

Super-charged prayer, which actually has the power to move mountains, is absolutely readily accessible to us. This kind of prayer comes from a place of knowing that we are NOT separate from the Universe, but that we are in fact One with it.

Every cell of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being is One with the Universe. From this knowing that we are One with the Universe, we can then affirm what we’d like to experience and create more of in our lives.

Prayer is an opportunity for a powerful dialogue with the Universe within and all around us, the kind we would have with a best friend.

At the end of each prayer, express gratitude, knowing that everything you have just claimed and affirmed is already done. This will magnify the potency of the prayer itself.

Finally, adding the words “show me” at the end of each prayer instantly expands our ability to pay attention to and notice how the Universe is answering our prayer.

Now, let’s put it all together.

Prayer for Humanity

So my friend, please join me in affirming out loud the following super-charged prayer for humanity:

Dear Universe/Source/Spirit/I AM/God/Om (use whichever you resonate with most, as they are all the same),

How empowering it is to know that you and I are One.

That the life that flows through every cell and fiber of my being is the same life that flows through all of humanity, all plants, animals, Mother Earth, the planets, stars, galaxies, Universes and beyond.

From this Oneness, I am calling forth the vibration of Divine Love to fully activate itself within the hearts and minds of every being who has, is or will ever be a part of this beautiful world we live in.

May this Divine Love quickly anchor itself and generate Divine Balance in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, so that we may witness a rapid shift from the current state of the world into one saturated with love everywhere.

I am aware that this will also result in the full blossoming of the greatest peace our global family has ever experienced—one in which celebrating love for one another becomes a daily part of our lives!

I am deeply grateful, knowing that this prayer has already started to reveal itself in the most amazing ways, starting this very second!

I joyfully send this prayer out to the Universe, knowing that it is done, it is done, it is done.

And so it is! Show me.

And there you have it my friend. Together, we have created something that is now impacting humanity in paradigm-shifting ways!

If you felt the power of this prayer, please feel free to use it or one similar to it as often as you like. This will greatly accelerate the world’s shift into higher states of consciousness.

We are powerful beyond measure!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,

©2009-2014 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


Awakening 2.0

Hi My Friend,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to connect with you in this way.

The energies of the last few weeks have launched us into greater personal and global transformation. Just as many of us were graduating from timelines we’d outgrown, without even skipping a beat, we were launched into new ones, at full speed ahead.
Adjusting to the New Timelines

At first, many of these new timelines may make us feel as if we’ve taken steps backwards on our journey into greater personal expansion.

This can feel disheartening, especially if you’ve been putting a great deal of time, energy and dedication into creating your highest vision for your life.

This “going backwards” feeling can show up in several ways. It can bring the stirring up of old, unresolved emotions that still need to be addressed and healed. It can also show up as feeling stuck, as if situations in your life are at a standstill.

If like many other people, you have experienced any of these feelings in the past few weeks, know that it’s just part of your integration process with the new timelines you’ve entered.

Often when these kinds of experiences show up, it’s actually a confirmation that great expansion is occurring. They allow us the chance to take a closer look at our inner lives, and to make the appropriate adjustments to aligning with the kind of reality we’d like more of.
The Next Awakening Waves of Change

Have you noticed the amplification of unusual weather patterns and seismic activity lately? How about the global unrest?

At first glance, these situations can generate trepidation, especially for those still living in a paradigm of fear. However, those who consciously make a choice to live and operate from their hearts can clearly see the powerful undercurrents taking place.

So what is really happening?

For a very long time now, the foundations of our global society have predominantly been operating on patriarchal principles. If allowed to continue, these principles, combined with the mind’s forgetting the Soul’s true Divine nature, abilities and purpose, would have eventually created a world entirely motivated by control, separation and fear.

Instead, the patriarchal system we’ve lived under for so long is crumbling. We can see this clearly happening all around the world. All systems and ideologies operating in a covert and selfish way, without integrity, will no longer be able to continue operating.

The reports coming from these systems may try to convince us that things are only getting worse, with the political unrest and climate changes taking place.

But this could not be further from the truth of what’s really happening.

The changes taking place are actually confirmations that the collective consciousness and our Earth herself are awakening to higher states of consciousness. These changes are a result of the cleansing effect that is supporting our move out of the old paradigm and into the new one.

The new awakening waves of change are actually sacred activations that our Souls called forth long before we even entered this paradigm. These sacred activations are quickly moving us to live, operate and breathe from the heart. These energies are asking us to think less and feel more.

They are magnifying our ability to love more. They are also guiding us to embrace, honor, listen to, and connect with our intuition.

Our intuition is the way in which our Spirit communicates with us. When we are following our intuition, we move back into being the powerful Creators we have always been, back to a place where nothing can ever hurt or harm us in any way.

Intuition is not to be mistaken with Instinct. Instinct, though beneficial at times, is more about survival. If we always choose to operate from survival mode (motivated fear), then the mind begins to believe it is disconnected from the Spirit.

Being in survival mode at all times also puts a great deal of stress on our emotional and physical bodies, which leads to an imbalance in our state of well-being.

That’s why things like meditation, mindful breathing, exercising our creativity, prayer, showing gratitude, and taking time to rest are some of the most important things we can practice at this time, because they strengthen the mind’s connection with our Spirit.

Once this connection is strengthened, we start to allow our intuition to guide us on our life’s path.

As we develop a stronger connection to our intuition, a path to enlightenment can unfold. Many of the great sages that came before us knew that enlightenment was not about heading toward a specific destination, and that it had absolutely nothing to do with organized religion or striving for perfection in any way.

Experiencing true enlightenment is actually much easier than we ever thought. The answer can actually be found in the word itself.

En·light·en·ment simply means to “lighten up” and to not take ourselves and life so seriously. It sounds easy, right?

Well, when a society has placed a great deal of effort on developing and praising intellect, and little towards developing intuition, it can be challenging to change deep-seated patterns.

That’s when we realize it’s necessary to “unlearn” the patterns of needing to analyze and complicate everything. This is where many of the spiritual practices like meditation come in, helping us quiet the mind.

Once we have learned to unlearn the patterns of trying to figure everything out, the sweetness and joy of life return to us.

And it’s in this simplicity where the greatest enlightenment can be experienced.

Till next time,



Did that Really Happen?

May 2014

Blessings My Friend,

How have you been since we last connected, at the beginning of last month?

In April’s Forecast, I shared that there would be several celestial alignments that would inspire rapid changes to occur in our consciousness, and that a big part of this change would include a profound purification of our mind, body and emotions.

The Solar Eclipse at the end of April was the exclamation point that closed the doorway to what was probably one of the most intense yet transformative times in the last 10 years.

If you glided through the past month completely unaffected by the intense energies, then you’ve probably reached a point of great balance within yourself.

However, if you struggled with those profound shifts, know that you are not alone, and that you are exactly where you are meant to be on your path.

For many, the experiences of the last month have left them asking, “Did that really happen?”

The Release

Last month, many experienced the deeply rooted patterns that contribute to the creation of fear-based reality, which promotes separation, coming to the surface more potently than ever. These patterns came up so strongly this time around, right in front of our faces, so that we can free ourselves of them once and for all.

As a result of the massive release that occurred in April, many felt stretched to their breaking points. This might have shown up in areas such as personal and professional relationships, career, local environment, life purpose, and self-esteem.

Repressed personal experiences from the past (specifically from childhood) that we thought we had already worked through may have resurfaced, in order for deeper healing to occur.

The fact that we made it through this most recent intense cycle is a testament to our resilient nature.

After moving through a huge energetic releasing cycle such as we’ve all just experienced, there’s usually a quiet introspective period that follows. This allows us to reflect on what just happened.

For many, these introspective pauses bring out a wide range of emotions, sparking a heightened sense of sadness, confusion, exhaustion, then eventual relief and joy.

Again, know that this is completely normal. When a person’s whole world has been turned upside-down, it’s a given that an adjustment period will naturally follow.

The key to moving through this period is to love our way through whatever we are experiencing. That includes loving ourselves through every emotion, even if they may not feel the most comfortable.


Entering the month of May, we will have the opportunity to start feeling more grounded again.

When we ground, we instantly align ourselves into the present moment. It’s in the present moment that we operate from our most powerful self.

Becoming present allows us to transcend the illusions of time. It’s from this space of no-time (a place of non-attachment) that our greatest desired intentions can manifest into our experience.

Here are some simple things we can do to help us feel more grounded:

• Spending time in Nature
• Placing bare feet on Earth (soil, grass, sand)
• Focusing on mindful breathing
• Reflecting on the gifts of our 5 senses, allowing ourselves to fully be present with them (noticing the sounds, shapes, colors, textures, fragrances, tastes occurring in that reflective moment)
• Expressing gratitude daily
• Making time for joyful, belly-shaking laughter
• Looking into the eyes of those we interact with, and remembering that they are a reflection of the Universe

At first, the concept of grounding may seem a bit constricting. This usually stems from ideas that grounding insinuates a fixed or inflexible nature.

By being grounded, we instantly bring ourselves into the present, where again, we are at our most powerful.

It’s in the present that most of our freedom is experienced, because we are no longer bound to the past or the future. Consciously choosing to ground ourselves in the present moment leads to a life lived from a state of grace, flow and fluidity.


Now that April’s energies have passed, many of us are feeling a renewed sense of urgency regarding our life path. You may be experiencing a new level of discontent with your current job or life situation, and wanting to make some changes. You may also be feeling that you need to “get more done” in terms of your life purpose.

It’s natural to feel that way after a time of growth and release. But after making it through what has become one of the most challenging times for many on their spiritual journey, a well-deserved rest is in order.

This will give us the nourishment needed to feel renewed and replenished again.

Let’s release the need to “figure out” what our next steps need to be, and just use this opportunity right now to rest, play and lighten our loads.

Everything always works itself out when we choose to move out of our own way, and let the Universe take care of the rest.

Until next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2014 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


Universal Purification

April 2014

Energy Forecast

Hi My Friend,

I am so grateful to share in this way with you today.

A brief point of global stillness occurred in the days that followed the March 20 equinox, which gave us the opportunity to breathe and recharge, in preparation for the hyper-energetic activity the month of April is bringing our way.

The exciting celestial developments during the month of April will create a perfect environment for quantum spiritual expansion to manifest —in our individual lives, and in the collective consciousness.

Some of these celestial occurrences include the lunar eclipse on April 14 and the solar eclipse on April 28. These two alignments alone are motivating rapid change to occur in our consciousness.

A big component of this change will be a profound purification of our mind, body and emotions. This purification will most definitely leave us feeling quite different at the end of the month from how we felt at the beginning of it.

During April, we will also be moving through another celestial alignment known as the Cardinal Grand Cross. This occurs when certain planets align to create a cross-like configuration that often inspires great change to occur.

With all the activity in the heavens right now, the opportunity for great personal and global transformation is amplified many times over.

The Wave of Purification

With April’s powerful combination of the celestial developments and the intentions of oneness that our Higher Selves have jointly called forth, a universal purification is fully under way.

The chance to observe first-hand what many of my clients are experiencing in their lives each month is a sacred blessing to me, and one that I honor and pay close attention to.

Often I will notice that the same theme will come up for my clients all around the world (and for me as well). This shows me that what’s happening on a micro level is probably also what’s happening at the macro level. This is when I start receiving inner guidance to put it all together in a simplified way that can be easily understood.

The theme that keeps coming up right now for many of us, is the theme of lack.

When an undesired feeling or vibration such as lack shows up on the surface of our lives, it’s important to not suppress what we are experiencing, but to look closely at it. That way, whatever is going on can be addressed, resolved and purified.

Releasing the Belief in Lack

To begin releasing the lack mentality, we must first understand what lack really is, and where it actually stems from.

In the dictionary, lack is defined as a 1. (Noun) a deficiency or absence of something needed. 2. (Verb) To be without or deficient in.

Through personal experience, I have come to define lack as the side effect of forgetting who we really are.

The idea of lack comes from the mind choosing, on some level, the path of separation from one’s Source nature, which is the Spirit. Lack ultimately serves as a “placeholder” the mind has created, as a way of keeping itself feeling comfortable and safe.

Belief in lack was created by the mind and ego during primeval times, as a kind of survival mechanism.

Knowing this, we can understand that when the mind does buy into the illusion of the lack mentality, it IS actually serving a purpose. On some level, it thinks it’s keeping the mind safe by warning us that we must work hard to survive.

However, the Spirit will only allow the mind to run the show for a certain amount of time before it steps in. When the Spirit intervenes, the idea of lack starts to feel so uncomfortable to us, that the mind can no longer convince itself that it needs a belief in lack for protection.

The mind is then ready to remember the truth of our nature as abundant Spiritual Beings who have never lacked anything in any way—ever.

So, if we are someone who is feeling the energy of lack making its presence strongly known in our life, let’s be willing to make peace with it. Let’s also be willing to understand that whatever feeling lack is triggering within us, is simply a confirmation that we are ready to release it.

In addition to many of the spiritual tools and processes many of us know, such as gratitude, meditation, being of service, affirmation, etc., I would like to share a few simple, outside-the-box things we can do to help ensure a smoother purification experience, especially when it comes to releasing a lack mentality.

Assuring a Smooth Purification Experience: Salt Remedies

As many of us know all too well, moving through a period of purification in our lives can feel a bit challenging.

Here are some simple yet effective things we can do to help the experience be smoother and more enjoyable.

An ancient remedy that has helped many experience smoother purification process is to soak in high quality, high mineral content salt for 20 to 30 minutes, 2 to 4 times per week.

Some of the best salts to use are Himalayan pink crystal salt or Dead Sea salt. Simply add 1 to 2 cups of salt into a lukewarm to warm tub, and enjoy.

If you do not have the option of taking baths, simply add 1 teaspoon of salt to a cup of spring water in a spray bottle and shake well. Then spray the salted water all over your physical and auric bodies. The salt will instantly remove any unhealthy energetic chords, hooks, attachments, bonds and connections between you and other people, places and things.

This is a very powerful remedy! If you are someone who is having a hard time letting go of unhealthy relationships, salt therapy will certainly help you.

If you prefer, you can also soak a Selenite crystal in a glass of water for 24 hours, then spray yourself with the water. This will have a similar effect to the mineral salt therapy.

After working with this method for a few weeks, you will start to notice yourself flowing through life a bit more smoothly. An extra bonus is that you will probably also feel more energetic.

Most unhealthy energy chords, hooks and attachments are formed in the solar plexus, the area of the body just above the belly. When we purify these energies, we make room for beautiful new abundant energies to take their place.

This will help us transition out of the lack mentality more quickly, as the emotional body starts to become more balanced, no longer feeling like it’s lacking in any way.

Eating Light, Eating Greens

Another thing we can do to help make the purification process easier is to eat light at least one day out of the week.

On this day, it’s important to eat food that is alive and full of nutrients. Things like dark leafy green vegetables and other foods have low or no sugars, starches or dairy. These foods allow the body to rest and recharge.

During the rest of the week, it’s important to make sure we are at least adding more dark leafy green vegetables into our diet. This will support the body in purifying itself more smoothly.

Taking in More Sunlight

Getting about 5 to 10 minutes of sun, away from the peak hours, will also serve as a great purifier.

If you live in a place that doesn’t receive much sunlight, make sure you are eating foods that will provide you with an adequate amount of vitamin D. This is a very important part of helping ourselves to purify more gently.

With just these few little additions, we can be more fully prepared for these times of great change. We will also feel supported in releasing any fear about these times. We will be able to embrace them, because we know about the powerful expansion taking place.

We are living in the times our ancient ancestors talked about for thousands of years! It’s happening all around us here and now.

So let’s take good care and be gentle with ourselves as we move through it all. As with anything new, it takes time to integrate all the changes going on within and all around us.

In all of this, know that you are not alone. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this journey with you.



©2009-2014 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


An Unexpected Revolution 

March 2014

Hi My Friend,

It’s such a blessing for me to connect with you again in this way.

Over the past few months, a great shift has taken place that has set the tone for a powerful yet unexpected revolution to make its way into the mainstream.

In the summer of 2013, a fun animated movie titled Despicable Me 2 premiered, and instantly became a hit with children of all ages around the world. But like the lifespan of most movies, it quickly came and went.

While the movie was in theaters, there was no real attention given to its soundtrack, which included a song that was little-known at the time, called “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. To listen to the song, please visit

The Revolution Begins

Then towards the end of 2013, something quite interesting started happening.

This little song known as “Happy” started to take on a life of its own. All of a sudden, people started to pay attention to how they were feeling after listening to the song. Due to its positive, empowering and uplifting melody, words and beat, the song started spreading like wildfire.

All of a sudden, hundreds of YouTube videos from countries around the world started to pop up left and right, with the song “Happy” taking center stage as people danced in flash-mob-style gatherings.

In these videos, thousands of people gather in song and dance to broadcast to the world that they are choosing to be “Happy.” Many of these videos open by letting the viewer know immediately that whatever country the video was filmed in, its people are choosing to be happy.

Now, at first this may seem trivial. However, when thousands of people from many different countries are moved to come together in a harmonious way to declare to the world that they are choosing to be happy (in this case through song)—that is something important to take notice of!

How Did It Happen?

Why did the song stay under the radar when the movie original debuted back in the summer of 2013?

And why are millions of people around the world just now starting to discover the song?

The simplest answer to these questions is that we were not ready before—but now we are.

See, the song “Happy” is a symbol that represents the shift in the collective consciousness that has taken place in just these last few months. People have had enough of things that promote separation and fear.

That’s why “Happy” is now sitting at the top of the music charts all over the world.

Citizens of the world are awakening to who they really are. They have strongly chosen to reclaim their power. This song is an exclamation point for how people all around the world are feeling.

It’s all about supply and demand. People are realizing that what they were conditioned to demand as their supply for so long is just no longer fulfilling them.

The Demand for Joy

People want something real, and now they are demanding it. “Happy” is one of many recent confirmations that is showing us proof that the demand is changing.

There are many songs, books, websites, concepts and works of art that are now empowering and inspiring people all around the world to create more joy in their lives.

Here are some helpful, easy ways to connect with the Happiness Revolution:

• Understanding that happiness is a choice, and is not determined by people, places, things or circumstances

• Making peace with the mind/being gentle with ourselves

• Laughing daily • Moving the body through exercise, dance or sports activities at least 3 to 4 times per week for at least 15 to 30 minutes at a time

• Meditation

• Performing random acts of service and kindness

• Spending time in nature

• Connecting with a heart-centered community/friends

• Being creative/artistic

• Playing

• Creating an environment that inspires and awakens joy (using beautiful fragrances, colors, textures)

• Clearing out clutter

• Releasing the unrealistic expectations we’ve placed on ourselves and others

• Focusing on making ourselves and our well-being an ultimate priority

• Expressing ourselves freely in a healthy and positive way (no longer holding things in)

The Vanishing Gates

For many years, people seemed to only be able to reach a certain level of success when it came to manifesting their hearts’ desires.

Even though great strides would be made from time to time, it seemed as if there were invisible gates that prevented us from going all the way to where we really wanted to be.

All of that is now changing, and the invisible gates are vanishing. The limitations that we had placed on ourselves and on humanity as a whole are dissolving.

This is allowing us to go all the way when it comes to experiencing the greatest desires of our hearts. We no longer have to settle.

For those of us who may have invested many hours into relationships, projects or businesses that just didn’t seem to go anywhere, things have or will soon begin to turn around.

Sometimes when we put so much time and effort into something that really doesn’t go anywhere, it leaves us feeling completely exhausted and disheartened. The idea of even trying again can feel daunting and out of the question.

Know that it’s completely normal to feel this way. It can be alleviated with some good rest and relaxation.

Manifesting Our Desires

With the gates vanishing, this is the time make ourselves available to manifesting our hearts’ desires. Making ourselves more available requires a few simple things:

The first step is to get clear on what our truest desires are.

The second step is to ask for what we want. For example, we could ask something like “Dear Universe, what would it take for me to be more open and available to experiencing my deepest and truest heart’s desires with ease? Show me.”

And the final step is simply to take inspired action when the opportunities to experiencing our hearts’ desires begin presenting themselves to us. People all around the world are now realizing that they have the right to live out their hearts’ desires. Time to celebrate!

On a personal note . . .

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you. First of all, for sharing this beautiful journey called life with me. It is an honor to stand next to you through it all.

I would also like to say thank you for helping “our” book Easy Breezy Miracle break through into the mainstream and become a #1 International Best Seller.

For me, it’s less about the title of Best Seller and more about all of the lives that are being touched and transformed as a result of connecting with the energy, words and magic the book has to offer.

You and I together showed the world that miracles are real, accessible and happening all around us. Thank you!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2014 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

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